Author: Paul Pek
August Meeting Cancelled
Due to lack of new business and the Northside Spectacular parade, the August BLLB meeting is cancelled.
Survey and Treatment
PLM conducted their early season AVAS survey on Friday, May 24, and the areas on the map have been identified as needing treatment, and PLM will be conducting this on Thursday, May 30 (weather permitting). Overall, the lake is in pretty good shape, especially considering the two consecutive mild winters. There are some areas of invasive milfoil and curlyleaf pondweed that require treatment.
Red Areas: Mixed milfoil and curlyleaf pondweed requiring treatment using ProcellaCOR/Diquat combination
Yellow Fenner’s Ditch Area: Only area needing algae control as well as some invasive plant treatment
Green Area: Sparse milfoil that will not be treated at this time, but will be watched for potential treatment in the future if it becomes worse.
Phoslock Treatment: The first of 3 Phoslock treatments will also be performed. This includes the Fenner’s Ditch area, as well as the 3 deep holes in the lake.
2024 Lake Treatment Notice
All residents should have received a mailing with the treatment notice for this year, and one is attached in this post. This gives the chemicals that could be used to treat invasive plants and algae. This also gives approximate treatment dates, which are weather dependent, and on the day of treatment, notices will be posted on lakefronts which had treatment, giving details of which chemicals were used, and any use restrictions.